BioGraphVisart is a web-based tool to interactively visualize networks, especially with biological background. It is written in javascript based on Cytoscape.js.
BioGraphVisart can currently read generic networks from various sources through a standardized file format (graphML), which can be generated by many other tools.
It offers different automated layout options for the graph and mapping of generic attributes (e.g., expression levels) onto nodes and edges. Node and edge styles for different interaction types according to KEGG, the generation of legends for edge styles and the node coloring by easy selection of an attribute by the user, and grouping with respect to predefined pathways (e.g., from KEGG) are additional features currently implemented. BioGraphVisart can be easily integrated into other web applications by importing its main .html-file into the other application.
We simplified the process of analysis and visualization with an interactive user-friendly interface for faster data interpretation.